Top solutions for tailings management and dams.

Our strengths

The right solution to the right cost, delivered on time.

At TCS, we put great value into being consultants – we want to be the best consultants in the field. We work with the design of tailings storage facilities – dam structures as well as dry stacking. We are involved in all stages during the lifecycle of a facility – from idea and feasibility studies to detailed design, site supervision during construction as well as issues related to the closure phase. We have a broad experience within the field, for example:

  • We have a good understanding of the operation of a facility and the need to adapt solutions and provide education based on site-specific conditions.
  • We have knowledge and experience from using different deposition techniques. We can help you with questions regarding high-density tailings (thickened tailings and dry stacking) as well as requirement specifications for spigotting- and slurry transport systems.
  • We have a good understanding of water management at and around a tailings storage facility – from ice loads and loss of water due to freezing, to extreme floods and dust problems in dry areas.
  • We keep ourselves up-to-date with changes in laws and guidelines related to tailing management. We are often involved in the industry’s discussions regarding the development of better guidelines.
  • We have a large international network and keep track of the development within the field in other countries. Among other things, TCS is represented in the ICOLD (International Committee On Large Dams) committee for tailings dams.
  • We have an understanding for requirements set by the authorities. TCS has several co-workers with considerable experience from representing clients in environmental court as well as applying for permits to the county administrative board (specific for Sweden).
  • We have experience and aptitude for forecasting costs within a project. During some years now, we have put a large effort into analyzing the outcome of different types of projects, in order to become better at providing good cost estimations at an early stage of a project.
In other words:

When it comes to tailings management, we, at TCS both want and can help you to compile solutions for your facility, which are sustainable, cost effective as well as in line with international Best Available Technology. We will not just meet your expectations – we will exceed them.

Read more about our services here.